Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) took home a 2015 Signature Award from the Advertising Association of Manitoba for their Your Last Words Anti-Distracted Driving campaign.

Tactica played in a key role in the campaign by conceptualizing and building an innovative distracted driving simulator allowing users to experience the dangers of texting and driving firsthand in a safe environment. The simulator provides an immersive two screen experience that connects a desktop 3D driving game to a web app on the user’s mobile device. The simulator is available online, and also as part of a touring installation allowing MPI to engage youth at events around Manitoba.

“We’re really excited by the success of this project. We believe experiential learning is the best way to help people understand complex risks and personal consequences of dangerous behaviour. We’re looking forward to seeing the texting and driving simulator make our roads safer.” Kevin Glasier, CEO of Tactica.

MPI was so impressed that they added the online simulator and a standalone desktop app to the province’s Driver Education curriculum taken by 12,000 students annually.

The simulator is available online, at